A Bridge to Our Future

In 1943, 50,000 native Bulgarian jews were saved from Nazi death camps in what is one of the biggest open secret from the second world war. Both my parents were among them. So fate handed me a lucky card so to speak. This blog is about my journey to find out what happened. “the family is link to our past, bridge to our future." Alex Haley.

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Douglas Fairbanks Junior

Hey, if my Grandfather was this age now, whose to say what I'd do in a loose moment. He's the one on the far right standing with his hands in his pockets, like he owns the mountains. The spitting image of Douglas Fairbanks Junior I think. When I was growing up they family kept saying 'Switzerland of the Balkans' and I kept smiling. They also say that greens taste good, but they were wrong.

Here he is again on the left standing next to his mother, brother and brother's wife.
Grandmama Rosa was quite a character. Waster of a husband who used to fool around, married beneath her to a good looking teacher from Yugoslavia. Had to bring up four boys on her own.

